Premium pet food out of conviction - out of love for animals!

Pro Pet office dogs: Mila

Mila office dogs
Mila office dogs

Mila found her way to her final home through animal welfare at the age of 5. Her breed was still unknown at that time, so a DNA test was carried out for the dog lady.


Now she supports Nadja in our factory outlet and from her basket keeps a watchful eye on everyone who enters the room. Even if you are sometimes greeted with a bark, you are always welcome at Mila's.

Office dog Mila
German shepherd hovawart mix


Shepherd-Hovawart mix


ten years

height at the withers

65 cm



favorite food

Mila isn't picky, but MAC's Mono Duck has a special place in her stomach.


Take care of the house, yard and especially Mama Nadja; playing with their squeaky toy; Sleep.

office dogs
office dog

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