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bring dogs together

bring dogs together
bring dogs together
The reasons for a second dog can be different. For many dogs, a social partner is a real enrichment - the dogs can occupy themselves with each other when mum or dad don't have that much time. Often there is also the desire for another fur friend, which should enrich everyday life. Nevertheless, it is important that you are clear about a few important things in advance: On the one hand, you should be aware that two dogs also mean double the costs. Be it the food, the vet visits or insurance. And not only that - the organization of two dogs is also more complex. Where a single dog runs along easily in everyday life, it gets complicated with two. In the restaurant, when traveling or when accommodating in the event of illness or vacation.
merging dogs

It should be clear that walking two dogs is also a real challenge. You should be confident that you can hold both dogs well, even in an emergency. You also have to be aware that the behavior of your first dog can change if another dog joins the pack. Sudden aggression towards fellow dogs is not uncommon, as dogs have a certain protective instinct. It can also happen that both dogs goad each other. In that case, you have to be absolutely consistent. You must clearly show that you have command, pack leadership and "protection" under control. It is neither the job of one nor the other dog. It's a good idea to have an experienced dog trainer by your side to help you get two dogs together and help you through everyday life. Even if a second dog is a challenge and has disadvantages, almost every owner of two dogs will tell you that happiness, joy and love are more than doubled with two dogs.

Important facts for merging two dogs

  • The age difference between the two dogs should not be too great, because the needs for exercise and exercise differ drastically between senior and young dogs.
  • The first meeting should happen on neutral ground. At least 1 km away from home and not on your first dog's standard walk lap. Another person is absolutely necessary so that the dogs can sniff each other in peace and walk a few meters together.
  • Establish clear rules: What the first dog is not allowed to do should also be taboo for the second dog.
    You should avoid special treatment of the new growth in any case.
    Sometimes it makes sense to differentiate between toys and places to sleep. However, especially in the early days, you should not leave toys lying around and only let the dogs play with them under observation.
  • Feed both dogs separately. First, start with a physical separation. Gradually you can reduce the distance if it can be ruled out that one dog steals something from the other.

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