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Breed portrait: Persian cat

Persian cat
Persian cat
Whether the Persian longhair cat really comes from the Orient is a matter of debate these days. Genetic analysis shows that the Persian cat is descended from long-haired Russian domestic cats and is not related to the Asian lineage. The mostly medium-sized Persian cat appears somewhat stocky due to its short legs. She is a cozy, cuddly and affectionate cat with little desire for freedom, which makes it perfect as a house cat. Their long fur has a lot of undercoat and comes in all sorts of colors. The most distinctive feature of the Persian cat is its broad face with a short nose and large eyes that are set wide apart. The best-known representative is probably the world-famous Grumpy Cat (half Persian, half Ragdoll). Even if their fur is not quite reminiscent of that of a Persian cat, the relationship to the Persian cat can be clearly seen in their broad face and short nose.
Grumpy Cat Persian cat

Grumpy Cat - half Persian, half Ragdoll


The Persian cat has its lovers as well as its critics. There is no question that this is a very controversial breed, and rightly so. Unfortunately, torture is not uncommon for her. An extremely short nose is considered a beauty feature for the Persians, especially in America, and has serious health consequences because they have narrowed nostrils and tear ducts. They therefore often suffer from impaired breathing and vision, because they produce a lot of tears, so that their faces are constantly wet. The Persian cat's eyes need to be wiped regularly.


The flat face not only affects the eyes and nose, Persian cats also quickly develop dental problems, since not all teeth always have enough space in their small jaws. Here the teeth fall out much earlier on average than in other breeds.


The long fur can also lead to problems, because it is not so easy to comb through with a cat's tongue. The undercoat becomes matted if the Persian cat is not additionally combed. Some cats like combing, for others it's just stressful.

Especially when the fur is changing, the cats have to be shorn from time to time, as there is no other way to avoid the matted areas. The high level of care required for the Persian cat is often underestimated.


Despite all this, it is of course not a crime to choose a Persian cat. They deserve as much love as any other breed. When purchasing a Persian cat from a breeder, it is important to take a close look at the cat's parents. If the nose is too flat, the eyes are encrusted or breathing problems are evident, breeding should not be supported with a purchase.

Grooming Persian cat

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